Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Penis Enlargement Exercise Step 3

The Jelq

This exercise is one of the basic exercises penis enlargement exercises. Creating allegedly originated in Arab culture. It is said that the large stem was regarded as a sign of power and gives this penis enlargement exercise. If this is true or not is irrelevant, this exercise.

We studied many variations of this process, we are able to give the practice "creating a standard" first and then promote the differences, and when you find it necessary. The main task of all the differences is to strengthen and thicken the penis. It works by filling out the "kavernosa units" with more blood than usual. Excess blood allows stretching more and more. Training breaks down fiber, which grows back greater than before.

As is the case with most of these exercises, the creation must be preceded by a hot appropriate upwards. Application of lubrication (baby oil works well) and first part of upright stems (70-80%), then hold the penis between your finger and thumb using 'OK' (see photos) and trapping all the blood in your penis firmly move your finger and thumb down the penis causing the blood to the head of the penis. General concept: accumulates the blood thicker and more became the leader.

From your choice (in this case, the right hand) milk coming from at the bottom of the base to the tip, with the right hand, take his head base with your left hand and release your right hand, you can also reach the head of the penis. Follow the same procedure again, this time with your left of treaty to hand and grab with your right-sort of. Gautam these cells, once repaired, they can contain lots of blood. You can do exercises create either sitting or standing.

Penis Enlargement Exercise Step 2

The Long Schlong

To ensure that the accuracy is ready and a higher temperature. Make sure that your penis is completely flaccid and limp, always difficult and dangerous to perform these exercises if you have erections.

Take the top of your penis in your hand (if you have a foreskin, then pull this back so they don't get in the way, you can pull the penis step skin). Stretch then directly in front of you, hold for 10-15 seconds. You should be able to feel the stretch at the base of your penis. Repeat 4 or 5 times. After that, relax your penis and head massage to restore circulation. This method applies to stretching at the top and bottom, as shown in the photos.

Now take your penis firmly in your hand and pull the bar to the right. Pull it to the right until you can feel the pressure on the left side of your penis. Hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 4 - 5 times. After that, head massage to restore circulation.

After you are done, repeat the exercise, this time pulling to the left not only right. Don't worry if you feel that a good amount of stretch - this is normal and healthy. If you have a foreskin and then pull it again and upward stretches the penis and not the skin. Take your time in advance-being very adventurous could result in injury. You need to work or the number of repetitions or time required.